宾州大学公园. -当JDB电子的常年捐助者吉恩和罗兹·查肯夫妇 在2021年送出了他们有史以来最大的礼物 — a gift that cemented their legacy as the largest scholarship donors in Penn State history and resulted in the naming of the Susan Welch Liberal Arts Building after 他们已经 被评为年度慈善家 -大多数人认为这将是他们对大学的最高贡献.
But recognition is not what motivates Gene and Roz Chaiken; helping students is.
再一次,Chaikens夫妇为大学做出了里程碑式的贡献. 虽然捐赠的金额没有公开披露, it will make them the second-largest donors in Penn State history and extends their impact beyond the College of the Liberal Arts, where the bulk of their philanthropy has been focused and where they established the Roz and Gene Chaiken Center for Student Success earlier in 2021. 建立和巩固现有的学术支援服务, the new gift establishes Chaiken Centers for Student Success elsewhere in the University, 包括JDB电子分校, 信息科学与技术学院和JDB电子世界校区, 以及位于大学公园的全校学生成功中心.
“Roz and I felt that we could extend our impact and help even more students by establishing additional Chaiken centers,吉恩说, noting that the four new centers were chosen because of their potential to succeed and to reach new populations of students.
“通过吉恩和罗兹非凡的慈善事业, the Chaiken family is already synonymous with creating opportunity and success for students in the College of the Liberal Arts,JDB电子校长尼利·本达普迪说. “I am thrilled that students across the University will now benefit from the Chaiken’s profound generosity. 吉恩和罗兹真正代表了对学生终身成功的承诺. Their impact on Penn State has been nothing short of transformative; I am so grateful for their continued support for our students through scholarship programs, 学术捐赠和, 当然, 新成立的Chaiken学生成功中心.”
“We saw so much success with the first Chaiken Center that we were inspired to establish more centers like it,罗兹说, adding that she and Gene attribute the center’s success to the vision and leadership of Clarence Lang, 苏珊·韦尔奇文科学院院长.
The Chaiken Center for Student Success in the College of the Liberal Arts promotes academic, 通过同伴指导获得个人和职业上的成功, 社区建设, 与其他文科及大学单位合作, 和更多的. While the new Chaiken Centers at 阿宾顿 and 大学公园 and within Penn State 世界校园 and the College of Information Sciences and Technology will tailor their programs to the needs of their particular student populations, 朗说,他很高兴第一个柴肯中心为其他中心提供了一个榜样.
“I am very grateful to Gene and Roz for investing in students and very proud that the Chaiken Center in our college, 由首任董事帕蒂·克鲁格熟练地领导, 为大学其他中心树立了榜样,他说. JDB电子分校, 例如, 就学生人数而言,我们的校园是最多样化的吗, and 世界校园 serves important demographics that further diversify the University; I’m happy to see that Chaiken support will help a broader range of students.”
The new Chaiken Center for Student Success in Penn State 世界校园 will assist adult learners, 军队成员, 以及世界各地依靠远程学习获得学位的人们. Renata恩格尔, 在线教育副教务长, 她说,她对新中心将为学生提供的机会感到兴奋.
“这是我们在世界校区的第一个命名中心,”她说。, noting that the funding will provide opportunities to build on current programs such as Smart Track to Success and others. “Sometimes, the word ‘transformative’ is overused, but in this case, it is completely appropriate. To have donors like Gene and Roz Chaiken invest in our students means we can forever provide online learners with the resources and support they need to succeed. 这真的很鼓舞人心.”
Vice President for Student Affairs Andrea Dowhower touted the Chaiken gift for its ability to broaden programs and connect more students to important resources.
“It’s important to address all of the factors that lead to student success — not just academic markers but also factors such as disability services, 经济需求,健康和幸福,”她说。. “有了这份礼物, the Chaikens will have an even more profound impact on student success by enabling us not only to address academic needs but also reach beyond the classroom while serving students at all colleges and campuses.”
除了四个新校区的查肯中心, the Chaikens’ latest gift establishes a professional development fund for Chaiken Centers University-wide and adds resources to the Gene and Roz Chaiken Endowment for the Study of the Holocaust, which will be renamed the Gene and Roz Chaiken Endowment for Antisemitism Education.
Gene and Roz Chaiken met at summer camp when Gene was a rising sophomore at Penn State and Roz was a rising sophomore in high school.
他们已经结婚61年了, 在那段时间里, 他们支持JDB电子, which Gene said was the greatest influence on his life beyond his family and his bride.
这对夫妇在1998年送出了他们的第一份大额礼物, 当他们和吉恩的兄弟联手时, 谢尔登, 还有他的妻子, 盖尔, 捐资给柴肯家族犹太研究主席. 从那时起, they have supported several endeavors and endowed the Gene and Roz Chaiken Trustee Scholarship, 查肯家庭信托奖学金, 查肯百年研究生基金, and the Roz and Gene Chaiken Center for Student Success in the College of the Liberal Arts.
“帮助别人是一种特权,而不是苦差事,”吉恩说. 这就是我和罗兹生活的准则. 这是我们的DNA. 我们希望这份礼物能激励他人在经济上或时间上给予帮助. 最重要的是, 我们希望它能帮助更多的学生成功, 我们为能够在这方面发挥作用而感到感激.”
Donors like Gene and Roz Chaiken advance the University’s historic land-grant mission to serve and lead. 通过慈善事业, alumni and friends are helping students to join the Penn State family and prepare for lifelong success; driving research, outreach and economic development that grow our shared strength and readiness for the future; and increasing the University’s impact for families, 英联邦和世界各地的患者和社区. 欲知详情,请浏览 提高.事业单位.edu.